We are now out of protype phase with the release of Chapter 1! I am so excited to see opinions of the chapter! Listed below are some of the things that have been added!

  1. Romance options have officially been added to game description with portraits and descriptions being added as they get introduced
  2. The first romance option to be introduced is our lovely golden retriever knight!
  3. 2k word chapter excluding code, I tried hard to get this down and out as I have so many ideas coming up for following chapters I just couldn't wait.
  4. And of course the big reveal behind why you received that letter!

Again thank you so much to everyone that has left a review, played the game, etc etc. Please do leave comments for feedback either about issues with the game itself or story elements that seem to bland or don't seem to fit!


Bastard Chapter 1.html 4.2 MB
21 days ago

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